If you're coming from the north (PA, Philly, NJ) take I-495 South just before I-95 enters Delaware. Keep right so you immediately can take the exit at Naaman's Road (Route 92). Turn right onto Naaman's Road. Continue to the fifth traffic light which is Marsh Road (Route 3). Turn left, continue to Grubb Road (first traffic light) and turn right. St. David's will be on the left. Look for the roof!
If you're on Route 202 South coming from PA: Turn left onto Naamans Road (Route 92) and continue to Grubb Road, your second right. Stay on Grubb Road and St. David's will be on the right hand side about a half mile after you pass Stanley's Tavern.
If you're on Route 202 North near downtown Wilmington: Turn right onto Murphy Road (between the DVD / Video Store and Gulf Station) and then left onto Foulk Road (Route 261) just prior to the Wawa and Exxon Station. Continue north on Foulk Road and turn right onto Grubb Road (between Stanley's Tavern and 7-11). St. David's is on the right about a half mile past Stanley's Tavern.
you get to St. David's, you'll find plenty of parking! Enter in the door that is closest to the parking lot.
I have this cuh-razeee idea: Go read the FAQ!