October 25th: knappuccino's V

Saturday, October 25th was Knappuccino's V and it brought old favorites back to our stage, and introduced a new featured guy, AJ.  

Opening the evening was Knappuccino's proud dad Frank Bartkowski. He just had twins. Did we mention he's a new dad? Yeah, he had twins, little teeny tiny twins. (He's a new dad, ya know.) In our featured slot, we welcomed A.J. Love who wowed us with his huge voice and mad guitar skillz-- we'll be sure to get him back soon! Gracing the middle slot was my great pal Matt Casarino, who sounded great despite his hellacious cold. He used it to his advantage and sang a Tom Waits cover, so it all worked out nicely. In the last hour we had the funkadelic Brian Turner, who soothed us with his mellow tones and tickled us with his dry wit.

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